Also, known as English Draughts, this game features an 8x8 board, 24 total board pieces, and 4 types of pieces. Along with the rules, this means that there are 500,995,484,682,338,672,639 legal game states.
This AI game agent is a multi-layer perceptron (deep neural network) model. It was initially trained by a weakly supervised learning program, that generated batches of game states for the model to study. Afterwards the model was given to a reinforcement learning program, in which the model improved by playing against itself 100,000 times.
The AI demo above and reinforcement learning program do not use any sort of look-ahead algorithm, like MinMax. Otherwise, I fear my laptop would explode.
The AI demo above looks-ahead 2 turns, using the MinMax decision algorithm.
No longer uses the simple, but slow, MinMax calculation. Instead, the MLP was retrained.